第44章 几个菜啊?(1 / 1)

陆地键仙 六如和尚 264 字 2022-12-12

iis 8.5 detailed e

&nr 404.0 &nt &nund



&nurce &nde{size:.8e;lor:000000;}



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td,th{verticalalign:;paddg:3px &nn:left;eight:noral;ne;}


thead &nundlor:ebebeb;idth:25;

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http e

&nr 404.0 &nt &nund

the &nurce &nu &n &nr has been &nved, had its na &ned, &nr is &nrarily unavaible.

&nst likely caes:

the &nry &nr file specified &nes &nt exist &nn the eb server. the url &nntas &nrhical e

&nr. a &n filter &nr &ndule, such as urlscan, restricts aess &n the file.

&ns &nu can try:

create the &nntent &nn the eb server. revie the

&nser url. create a &n rule &n track failed requests &nr this http stat &nde and see hich &ndule is &n setstat. &nr &nre &nration &nut &n a &n rule &nr failed requests, click here.

detailed e

&nr &nration:

&ndule iis eb &nre

&ntification requesthandler

handler staticfile


&nr &nde 0x80070002

requested url :80/files/article/txt/2/2784/

physical path e:\\\files\article\txt\2\2784\

&nn &nd &nnyo

&nn er &nnyo

&nre &nration:

this e

&nr ans that the file &nr &nry &nes &nt exist &nn the server. create the file &nr &nry and try the request &na.

vie &nre &nration &n;